Ecological Consciousness

G r e e n – P r o m o t i o n

T r e e – p l a n t a t i o n

B i o – w a s t e – d i s p o s a l

R a i n – W a t e r – H a r v e s t i n g

S o l a r – E n e r g y – I n i t i a t i v e s

B i o d i v e r s i t y

Barrackpore Park was established in the early 19th century by Lord Wellesley who sought to create a magnificent weekend retreat for the Governor-General of the English East India Company. Clearing jungle, draining swamps and shaping the earth into mounds and hillocks, the Park was known far and wide for its peaceful splendor. The green lawns, flower gardens, thickly wooded banks and meandering watercourses were created in the image of the English garden.

With time succeeding Governors General, their wives and later Viceroys and Vicereines added grace to the parkland creating a space amazingly diverse in its flora and fauna. As the woodland grew, so too did the packs of small animals, insects, reptiles and birds. The vivid vignettes of plants and animals in the Park are beautiful in themselves. They also point to the interdependence of human and non-human lives in the great chain of creation.

Barrackpore Park today is the home of the Swami Vivekananda State Police Academy, the Brigade Headquarters of the West Bengal Armed Police and the retreat of the Governor of West Bengal.

B u t t e r f l i e s

D a m s e l f l i e s & d r a g o n f l i e s